

A Life-Affirming Guide to Facilitation Mastery and Group Genius


If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to facilitate groups as living systems, we’ve finally created a comprehensive manual that pulls back the curtain on genius groups.

MatrixWorks is a facilitation model that uses practical application of Buddhism, systems thinking, holistic leadership, and neuroscience to make groups thrive as living systems. Our approach is designed to generate a feeling of aliveness in every individual and the whole group, so that the collective may become a dynamic body that self-organizes in harmony with its environment. We’ve developed this model to share the theory and practice of what’s needed to create groups that work for everyone, and we imagine that you’re here because you have within you a sense of what’s possible when groups come together to make magic. These tools are needed to understand and transform the complexities of relationships among partners, families, teams, organizations, and groups of any kind.

As we decode the mysteries of relational health, we unleash the creative, and often hidden potential of groups to experience evolutionary transformation. This book will prepare matrix-inspired leaders to function effectively and nourish life in times of chaos and profound change.


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What's Inside?

Part One – The Ground: Theory

MatrixWorks exists to teach groups how to thrive as living systems, and individuals to take leadership in their groups and lives. This book gives you the teaching frameworks to create this aliveness in yourself and the groups in which you participate:

Part Two – The Path: Facilitation

How to develop the capacities for self-organization, self-referencing, self-correcting, and self-generating.


Including: Facilitator Tools, Self-Regulation, MatrixWorks, Tracking, Planning: Context, Container, and Content, Class Timelines, Practices and Exercises

Part Three – The Fruit: Practical Application

How to develop the capacities for self-organization, self-referencing, self-correcting, and self-generating.


Including: Facilitator Tools, Self-Regulation, MatrixWorks, Tracking, Planning: Context, Container, and Content, Class Timelines, Practices and Exercises



403 Juniper Avenue, Boulder, CO 80304

Tel: (303) 819-5289

© 2020 – Matrix Works. All rights reserved | Website Design by Inspwire Design

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