Faculty and Graduates

MatrixWorks Trainers

Mukara has 40 years experience in teaching, consulting, and working with the healing arts. A practicing Buddhist, she is a certified Hakomi Trainer and Therapist. Mukara integrates Living Systems principles into a new model of Leadership she developed called MatrixWorks™.


The MatrixWorks model of Leadership rests on the foundation of the experiential Hakomi Method and is used in conjunction with an understanding of Groups and Organizations as Living Systems. In our approach, we can experience the emergence of ‘Group Genius’ that supports transformation of the individual and the group. The relationship of the individual and the group becomes collaborative rather than conflictual. Mutuality and cooperation become new norms that support well-being at work.


“Work is Love made visible.” -K. Gibran

Russell has been studying and experimenting with mind-body coordination and human dynamics since adolescence. He has studied Shin Shin Toitsu Do, the art of mind and body coordination, and Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido for over 35 years. He has been intensively studying trauma and its effects with Peter Levine for over 15 years.


Russell currently teaches Somatic Experiencing, Peter Levine’s therapeutic system for working with trauma, on four continents. He has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and has been accepted into a graduate program. Russell has studied the MatrixWorks directly with Mukara since 2005 and applies the principles with all the groups he works with.


Together with Lael Keen, he operates a healing center on the island of Santa Catarina off the south coast of Brazil.


Russell and Lael combine their skills and efforts to bring the MatrixWorks to the Brazilian culture..

Lael has been fascinated all her life with how situations of conflict can transform into situations of harmony. This interest lead her to study the Japanese martial art of Ki-Aikido at an early age, and she has continued to study and teach Aikido all her adult life. She currently holds the rank of 5th degree black belt.


Her interest in group dynamics lead her and her husband Russell Jones, also a MatrixWorks Trainer, to bring Mukara Meredith to Brazil for the first Brazilian MatrixWorks training in 2006, and since then they have actively used MatrixWorks in all the groups that they work with. They began teaching MatrixWorks in 2011. Lael works with Rolfing® and Somatic Experiencing® (a therapy that works with post traumatic stress) and teaches these approaches all over the world. She also recently completed a five year training as an Art Therapist.

I have been practicing Holistic Health for more than twenty years. Prior to launching my own Counseling practice, I founded, managed and sold two successful businesses. Currently I facilitate women’s groups to create connection and accountability to be able to grow together. I help women gain confidence, find their voice and learn to nourish themselves to be able to lead more effectively and live more fully.


I also work with corporations to develop collective problem solving and coach leaders on how to organize wholeness for their teams.


Additionally, I work with individuals to support the process for creating shifts, learning what it means to truly fall in love with yourself and changing habits and patterns that are no longer useful.



During Heidi’s three decades living in Europe, she led teams to deliver innovation for some of the world’s most iconic brands, as an executive at Fortune 50 company, Procter & Gamble. She now coaches, consults and speaks internationally through her Boulder-based company, PhoenixRising. Heidi published her first book, Choose Love, How to move through heartache with grace and rise like a phoenix, Fall 2019. She is passionate about the calling for all of us to choose love every day, particularly in the most trying situations. Heidi is very grateful for her role as mother of two young adults and very happy to be collaborating with Matrixworks to support personal transformation.

If you’re an organization, emotions and personalities are costing you. Period. Whether it’s low productivity, a team that isn’t functioning or the inability to retain quality team members, these are signs that the health of your organizational organism is in trouble. I help teams and organizations get to the root cause of less-than-awesome functioning so individuals want to come to work and naturally thrive as part of a powerful team.


Individuals come to me to find their purpose, when they feel stuck, and when the other self-help methods they’ve tried have fallen short. I’ve been a teacher for close to 20 years and my background in clinical traditional medicine gives me a keen leg-up in understanding individuals at deep levels when they walk through the door.


I grew up in Pittsburgh, PA, have lived and studied in France, Japan and India and have been a long time meditator and spiritual practitioner. The practical application of ancient wisdom is my jam, and I look forward to connecting with your forward thinking company.



Ms. Rosseana Wong has more than 30 years experience in Organization Development and Human Resources Management in Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Thailand and Indonesia.        


Ms Wong holds a Master of Business Administration from Griffith University, Australia.  She is a Certified Trainer of MatrixWorks, a graduate in Hakomi Professional Training and holds a Certificate in Family Business Advising (CFBA). She is certified in Saville Assessment, MBTI, DISC, Firo-B and Emergenetics psychometric profiling.  


Rosseana Wong is currently the Head of Chairman’s Office in IMC Pan Asia Alliance Group, a fourth-generation family owned business based in Asia with interests in Industry, Investment, Lifestyle and Real Estate and Learning. She is also a Board Member of AITIA Institute, the learning arm of the Group.

Sook Yee, is a certified public accountant, and has more than 30 years of experience spanning the profession, governance, corporate, investments, strategies and for most parts of her career leading businesses with wide geographical operations.  She is culturally attuned as she has work for family businesses and multi nationals with base in Malaysia, USA, United Kingdom, Mexico, Singapore and China. Sook Yee has served as non-executive director on entities listed on the stock exchanges of Australia and Malaysia.  
Sook Yee has close to 20-years of business leadership experience that spans across a broad spectrum of businesses, from industrial, lifestyle, investment and social enterprises. She was the Chief Operating Officer of a lifestyle business in China and Group Managing Director of a large industrial group with operations spanning across 16 countries and employing more than 10,000 employees.  Prior to that, Sook Yee also headed a country operation for a global heavy building materials business, where she broke new ground, when she was appointed as its’ first female and Asian country head.  She has seen businesses through the economic bear and bull runs, having operated through the Asia financial crisis in 1997 as well as the shipping and resources boom and bust in the 2000s.   

Sook Yee understands the businesses need to read and understand market trends, is financially sensitized and have ability to lead and transform business models to meet market needs.  In an environment where technology is driving cycles shorter and shorter, there is no space for follower-ship or gradual change. Enterprises that provide an environment for innovation, where curiosity is welcomed, is the future. Her personal journey has led her to believe that leadership in the 21st century is one that needs development of a whole self, so they can harness the wisdom from an inner self that is well. Only leaders who are healthy as a being, can express themselves as part of a collective and collaboratively with the external world, to flourish in an evolving world order today.

I met Mukara 20 years ago in Brazil.

Our Rolfing Faculty community was interested in improving the quality of our connection and of our teaching… That’s how I fell in love with Matrixworks! I’ve been part of many classes, did all my training in Brazil, and stayed deeply connected with Mukara and the EFL.


From this expertise, I began to facilitate groups always trying to bring this somatic/energetic /affective connection to different groups and communities.

My somatic and educational approach lead me to deepen in the studies of trauma, and I’m also part of the Somatic Experiencing community….  a body oriented facilitator, instructor and therapist.


I really do believe that we need to open to the world a broader dimension of education! That can honour body, mind, soul, the group, the planet…this amazing matrix of connectedness and compassion.  I’m very honored to be part of this community.

Adriana dreamed about working to make a better world. That lead her into private education, where she’s worked as a school leader for 24 years, leading and developing teams, working with group facilitation, strategic planning, decision making processes, conflict mediation, crisis management and parent orientation. 


She’s been studying and practicing different approaches and methods to improve her work with individuals, groups and organizations. Getting to know Matrixorks in 2012 and learning with Mukara in different trainings and workshops gave her new tools and possibilities to work even better and closer to her purpose of helping people to be more human and true in groups, at work and life.


Having worked as a leader and now as a consultant and conflict mediator, Adriana believes in conflicts and crises as opportunities of growth and connection. 

Matrixworks was transformational for Alex when she first experienced it in the Environmental Leadership masters program at Naropa University in 2008. While previously shying away from group work, she discovered that participating in a group that has come alive with collective intelligence is one of the most important and satisfying human experiences. Over the last 12 years she has participated in, assisted, and led a variety of MatrixWorks trainings and programs.

As a lover of systems thinking, Alex is fascinated by the ways in which supporting groups of people to function as living systems invites higher conscious, novel creativity, and incredible opportunities for personal transformation.  She is passionate about helping create a world in which humans live in symbiotic harmony with one another and with natural systems, and believes MatrixWorks holds a crucial key for our times.

Alex has training in Hakomi therapy and engages in group facilitation and activism with an aim to support a more kind, just, and healthy human presence on the planet. She is also the founder and director of The Living Forest Project, an initiative that works closely with indigenous communities to protect rainforests, promote indigenous rights, and uplift cosmologies that celebrate interconnectedness.

MatrixWorks Teachers

Kate has been involved with MW for 7 yrs. She is an extraordinary teacher of the work and an excellent group facilitator. She teaches at Naropa and leads Wilderness Therapy trips. Kate has joined Mukara in doing organizational facilitation and is helping groups and teams transform and organizations become more healthy.

Sarah fell in love with MatrixWorks in 2009 during her master’s program in Environmental Leadership at Naropa University. She has since participated in, assisted with and taught numerous MatrixWorks classes. She’s served as professor for MatrixWorks at Naropa University in the program she graduated from. Since 2011, she’s worked closely with MatrixWorks in a multitude of capacities.


Sarah has a strong passion for the power of groups (that developed early on in her theater upbringing), building resilient communities, the Earth, localization, jazz/the performing arts, and helping people discover and live into their full potential. She’s primarily focused on helping couples grow more sustainable and satisfying romantic partnerships. She officiates weddings and leads couples canoe retreats. She enjoys creative collaboration, with the goal of creating happier, healthier, more resilient organizations and communities with good intent. Read more about her HERE.


Personal Goals: Loving open-heartedly, speaking the truth, taking risks of the heart and finding a gentleness in relationship with all life. To play in the space between!

Kat is an extraordinary dancer, healer and Group Facilitator. She has been involved with MatrixWorks for 8 years and knows how to keep a group alive with fun, insight and movement.

Nancy is enthusiastically involved with MatrixWorks as both a staff member and participant. She has a long standing interest is in how groups function well (or not!). Although she works primarily as a consultant to the pharmaceutical industry, she is Hakomi-trained, and in addition to sorting out her client’s chemistry problems, she finds ways to help them resolve their personal, interpersonal and group difficulties. Nancy is particularly interested in the scientific study of consciousness and spirituality with a particular love for the placebo effect. She is a devotee of cycling and yoga and lives in Boulder with her husband and daughter.

Anne Parker is passionate about serving life and renewing our connection to and deep reverence for the Earth. She applies working with groups as living systems in her teaching, her organizational work, in her community and in connection with the “more than human world” of the living earth systems. She is a Professor of Environmental Studies at Naropa University in Boulder Colorado where she has taught in the BA in Environmental Studies and MA in Environmental Leadership programs since 1996 where working with MatrixWorks principles and practices has been a key element in training motivated and effective environmental leaders.


Anne sought a path to more harmonious human relationships with the earth in living with and learning from indigenous traditions in Australia and Asia, as well as studying and applying groups as living systems work. In the process she has come to see how central human relationships and views of the earth are in moving towards a more socially just, ecologically sustainable and spiritually awake future. She has a BA in Conservation of Natural Resources from UC Berkeley, an MA in Inner Asian Studies from Indiana University, and an MA and PhD in Geography from the University of Oregon. She has worked and done research on ethnobotany, land use, agriculture, community organizing and pilgrimage and sacred landscape in traditional cultures in central Australia, Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan and the Himalayan region.


She has studied and practiced for more than thirty five years in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, as well as for the last 9 years in European earth-based traditions. Her books include Stories from the Origin and Earth Alchemy. Additional information about Anne can be found at: Naropa University and Boulder Center for Master Builders.

Karta Elise is an intuitive, playful and disciplined facilitator of the transformative path for both individuals and groups. She has a background in the performing, visual and written arts, developed alongside a deep-seated sense of respect and mutuality with the natural world, and nearly two decades of dedicated meditation and kriya yoga practice.


Her fierce sense of service to the evolution of human consciousness led her to a masters program at Naropa University in Environmental Leadership, where she experienced vertical learning at the intersection of contemplative practice, sustainability, systems thinking, and servant leadership–all of which alchemized through the MatrixWorks ‘laboratory’ in cahoots with her cohort.


Her sense of purpose on this planet is rooted in the belief that the co-creation of a happier, healthier world that works for all our relations begins with developing more compassionate, authentic and direct relationships with ourselves, others (both animate and ‘inanimate’), and especially within our organizations.

Lisa Rome is a loving, joyful, and inquisitive storyteller and seeker. She works as a writer, blogger, and editor for a popular health and wellness website. Her commitment to well-being led her down a path to combine her love of healing with her love of the environment, and she finds many synchronicities between planetary, personal, and systemic sustainability. As a remote writer, Lisa is interested in how our social and ecological environments shape our productivity, creativity, and overall well-being.

Lisa first experienced Groups as Living Systems in 2011 as a part of her Environmental Leadership Master’s program, where she first met facilitator Sarah Lila Oswald. Since then she has participated in several MatrixWorks classes, trainings, and applied the process in her own leadership work. She is currently working in collaboration with MatrixWorks as a part of her Master’s Applied Leadership Project, where she is working to find the synergy between Earth Stewardship Ethics and Action.


Explore Lisa’s Website

Susan Burks is the owner and President of Burks Consulting, specializing in art and communications since 1992. She is known for developing innovative projects that utilize art, new media and organizational development tools to inspire and motivate creativity and to nurture transformative corporate cultures. Susan has taken a leadership role in the development of MatrixWorks coaching program and is discovering the efficacy of applying MatrixWorks principles in one on one interactions.


Long-term projects for a wide variety of industries and Fortune 100 companies includes: AT&T Corp., AT&T Labs, Disney Corp., Silicon Graphics, Gap Inc., The Carneros Inn, Sun Microsystems and Wescom Credit Union. In each case clients capitalize on Susan’s ability to translate between artists, creative professionals, scientists, engineers and business executives toward shared and successful outcomes.


Susan regularly participates in conferences and symposiums that gather thought leaders from the arts, science and business world as part of her lifelong study of the nature of individual and collective transformation. In addition she has traveled throughout the world for over 25 years often living for extended periods of time on 6 continents and in over 30 countries. Perhaps more than any other activity this global immersion has been significant in nurturing a lifelong curiosity about the interconnected nature of all things.

Brenda Isherwood is an exuberant, loving, joyful student of life, and an inquisitive, articulate seeker. Her impassioned work includes: teaching yoga, consulting to families in need of community-based rehabilitation therapy programs, and facilitating groups. She has developed her distinctive approach to embodied leadership and yoga instruction, through the profound work of MatrixWorks, which encourages healing and transformation through presence, embodiment and satisfying connection.


Brenda also holds a Bachelor of Science in Rehabilitation Medicine (Occupational Therapy), has completed graduate studies in Somatic Psychotherapy, is a trained Hakomi Therapist, and seasoned birth doula. She weaves together her background in movement psychology and eastern studies and practices to offer her clients nourishing connection to self, from which to move more fully into the world.


Brenda’s heart is primarily captivated by her family, and community, and the majestic backdrop of her home in British Columbia’s Coastal Mountain Ranges. She is passionate about bringing the MatrixWorks mandala to Canada.

You can read more about Brenda at movement-matters.ca


Hannah is a facilitator, organizer and nature-based life coach who seeks to transition human systems to thriving, just and healthy futures through fostering connection to self, community and the natural world. With a commitment to inviting multicultural perspectives, she strives to create spaces where all voices are heard and collective wisdom is allowed to emerge.


Hannah brings an environmental perspective to her work, seeing the multitude of eco-social crises we face as the outcome of an epidemic of disconnection. She holds a deep belief that the disconnection from our selves, our communities and the natural world is a wound that, once healed, can begin to transform the planet. Hannah’s fascination with facilitation and group dynamics began with her experience as an Outward Bound instructor where she fell in love with guiding the group process toward health. This fascination grew into her current work as a nature-based life coach and wilderness guide.


Hannah was introduced to Matrixworks through a class taught in the Environmental Leadership MA Program at Naropa University. She began integrating these skills into her role with Community Fruit Rescue (a local Boulder non-profit) by guiding board meetings using the Matrixworks approach. She now works with Matrixworks to support the day-to-day function of the organization as well as facilitating classes.

Corpo Docente No Brasil (Brazil Faculty)

Lael foi fascinado por toda a vida com a forma como as situações de conflito podem se transformar em situações de harmonia. Este interesse levá-la a estudar a arte marcial japonesa de Ki-Aikido em uma idade adiantada, e ela continuou a estudar e ensinar Aikido toda a sua vida adulta. Ela atualmente ocupa o posto de quinto grau cinto preto. Seu interesse em dinâmica de grupo levar ela e seu marido Russell Jones, que também é instrutor Matrixworks, para trazer Mukara Meredith ao Brasil para o primeiro treinamento Matrixworks brasileiro em 2006, e desde então eles usaram ativamente Matrixworks em todos os grupos que trabalham com. Eles começaram a ensinar Matrixworks em 2011. Lael trabalha com Rolfing ® e Somatice Experimentando ® (uma terapia que trabalha com estresse pós-traumático) e ensina essas abordagens em todo o mundo. Ela também concluiu recentemente um treinamento de cinco anos como um terapeuta de arte.

Cler é conhecida por seu trabalho como co-criadora do revolucionário Sistema de Cura Florais da Deusa (www.floraisdadeusa.com.br). É Terapeuta, Conselheira de Estratégias, Facilitadora do Círculo da Espiritualidade Feminina e de outros grupos de auto-desenvolvimento. Conheceu o Matrixworks na primeira visita de Mukara Meredith ao Brasil e de lá para cá, esteve em todos os cursos ministrados por ela no país. Professora visionária e inspirada, não está ligada a nenhum movimento, religião ou filosofia. Sua visão abarca várias áreas da cura e evolução humana de forma holística, coerente e extremamente prática. Todas as modalidades oferecidas por ela têm como base os princípios do Matrixworks, integrados profundamente em todas as suas atividades profissionais e também em seus relacionamentos pessoais.


Para leitores em língua portuguesa, saiba mais sobre ela aqui: www.clerbarbiero.blog.br

Russell vem estudando e experimentando com a coordenação mente-corpo e dinâmica humana desde a adolescência. Ele estudou Shin Shin Toitsu Do, a arte da mente e coordenação do corpo, e Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido há mais de 35 anos. Ele tem sido intensamente estudar trauma e seus efeitos com Peter Levine há mais de 15 anos. Russell atualmente leciona Experiência Somática, sistema terapêutico de Peter Levine para trabalhar com trauma, em quatro continentes. Ele tem um diploma de bacharel em psicologia e foi aceito em um programa de pós-graduação. Russell estudou os Matrixworks diretamente com Mukara desde 2005 e aplica os princípios com todos os grupos com que trabalha. Juntamente com Lael Keen ele opera um centro de cura na ilha de Santa Catarina na costa sul do Brasil. Russell e Lael combinar suas habilidades e esforços para trazer os Matrixworks para a cultura brasileira.

Quando conheceu Mukara na Imersão MatrixWorks de 2008, Mariana soube que algo realmente transformador estava prestes acontecer. Foi amor a primeira vista! Desde lá, ela tem acompanhado Mukara e seu trabalho de perto como aluna, assistente e especialmente como líder e participante dos diferentes grupos dos quais faz parte.


O modelo do MatrixWorks enriqueceu profundamente o trabalho de Mariana com indivíduos, casais e familias como psicoterapeuta sistêmica e Somatic Experiencing practitioner. Mariana vive em Porto Alegre, no sul do Brasil e coordena um centro de Psicoterapia e Experiência Somática – o Solar do Caminho. Um de seus maiores desejo é ser parte do movimento ativo de levar o MatrixWorks a todos aqueles que possam se beneficiar com o trabalho.

Alessander é terapeuta holístico no Brasil e dedicou os últimos 15 anos de sua vida ao ensino e atendimentos individuais de muitas modalidades de cura alternativa, incluindo meditação, AURA-SOMA, Jin Shin Jyutsu e florais. Em 2010, através do trabalho de Rosicler Vargas, tomou conhecimento do Matrixworks e fez seu primeiro com a Mukara em Boulder, em julho de 2011. O Acelerador da Genialidade em Grupos revolucionou sua abordagem em grupos e atendimentos, criando ambientes mais seguros e saudáveis para os alunos e clientes. Em 2012, Alessander começou a organizar cursos para Mukara através de sua empresa Light Flow, auxiliando o desenvolvimento deste trabalho em São Paulo, a maior cidade do Brasil. Matrixworks apóia o desenvolvimento de todas as atividades da Light Flow, especialmente o Escritório Brasileiro de Jin Shin Jyutsu. Alessander é também um dos tradutores dos cursos de Matrixworks e treinamentos empresariais no Brasil.

Carmem é psicoterapeuta em sua clínica particular. Faz atendimentos individuais e em grupo, desenvolve grupos de estudos e de supervisão e coordena projetos sociais ao lado de líderes comunitários. Trabalha com grupos de mulheres e homens, focalizando a perspectiva do autodesenvolvi-mento como missão humana para o exercício de papéis pessoais, sociais e profissionais frente ao processo evolutivo.
Seu trabalho baseia-se na Psicologia Formativa de Stanley Keleman, Análise Bodynamic de Lisbeth Marcher e Somatic Experiencing de Peter Levine. Ela é docente no Centro de Psicologia Formativa do Brasil e diretora de Projetos Sociais na Associação Brasileira de Trauma do Brasil. Graudou-se em Psicologia e Educação e é pós-graduada em Tecnologia Educacional, Recursos Humanos e Dinâmica Interpessoal Grupo, além de Mestre em Letras – Linguística. Vem estudando e aplicando o modelo MatrixWorks em seus projetos, desde 2008, considerando que os fundamentos utilizados por Mukara Meredith inovaram o seu conhecimento sobre os processos grupais.


Trabalhou na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, com professores e administradores e no Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto, com médicos, enfermeiros, nutricionistas e assistentes sociais e em outras corporações com engenheiros e técnicos.


Em seus vinte e cinco anos de experiência profissional ela sempre foi professora, treinadora e líder e seus temas favoritos relacionam-se com transições da vida pessoal e profissional, gerenciamento do stress e prevenção e tratamento do estresse pós-traumático e suas síndromes.

We’re happy to announce a whole new group of MatrixWorks Educators in Brazil!:

Level 2 Matrixworks Facilitators:

Carlos Eduardo Melo Oliveira
Anamaria Aziz Creton
Julia Maria Oliveira de Andrade
Bendita Maria Gomes Esteves de Carvalho
Elizabeth Cassano Cruz
Elaine Schleiniger Barcellos
Esther Shorr Raphael
Gislaine Fois Coelho Abramof
Salvador Berga Coris
Yeda Bocaletto
Alexandra Franco Meneghetti
Izabela de Oliveira e Candido
Carmem Sylvia Dias Lemos
Adriana Tajtelbaum
Eudes Dos Santos Martins
Flavia Guaracy Ribeiro
Lucience Deccache Moreira
Maria Virginia Vianna Mattos


Level 1 Matrixworks Facilitators:

Gustavo Ribeiro de Mello
Cristina Coelho de Sousa Santos
Cíntia Lopes Rangel
Cláudia Neves Pinto
Daniela Fusaro
Eduardo Worms
Maria Cecília Alves Cabral
Rita Renha Rezende
Neusa Tamaio
Tulane Oliveira da Paixão
Clara Duarte Guimarães
Daniella de Araujo Lima.
Adrianne Ogêda Guedes
Maria Clara Paiva Izidoro
Cristina de Arruda Albuquerque
Anamaria Soares de Araújo Pereira
Elaine Zózimo de SouzaLeon Alonso
Maria Beatriz Kruschewsky Coutinho Costamilan
Carla Tolentino
Beatriz Maia de Vasconcelos Muniz
Sonia Magalhães Starling de Barros
Katia Helena Gomes de Souza
Simone Christine de Souza Rossatto.                       
Eduardo Sá
Gabriela Marquez de Melo
Silvia Maria Figueira de Mello Vasconcellos

MatrixWorks Inactive Faculty

Anna has a wide and diverse training in the body-centered psycho-therapy systems, including Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing, Character Structure Work and Pia Mellody’s Family Systems Therapy. She has been an extraordinary and distinguished teacher of Polarity and Craniosacral Therapy since 1979.


Anna brings her high sense of perception, clear ability to read the field, and wide, loving heart to help us integrate the experience of being human. She will be weaving her expertise in the field of embodiment – how spirit embodies and enlivens form – into a deeper understanding of the group as a Living System.


Explore Anna’s Website

Mia Bolte has a Buddhist Inspired Therapy Practice. She has been around MW since the beginning and is an avid supporter and teacher of the work.


Explore Mia’s Website

Doug has studied groups and communities for more than twenty years and has assisted the MatrixWorks trainings for the past six years. He holds degrees in Math and Transpersonal Psychology, and currently owns a software company. Drawing on both theoretical understanding and meditative awareness, he brings attunement, clarity, open-heartedness, directness, and humor to his work with groups.


Doug has been on sabbatical from MatrixWorks as he recovers from a serious automobile accident. His commitment to his own health is an inspiration to all who know him.


403 Juniper Avenue, Boulder, CO 80304

Tel: (303) 819-5289

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