Outer, Inner and Secret Levels of Chaos
2025 Dates (In Person) TBD
Crestone, CO
In this highly experiential class, based on cutting edge neuroscience, we learn and practice the skills of transforming Chaos and Conflict into life affirming patterns that support the true vale of being human in connection.
Chaos and conflict then become gateways to greater creativity and deeper connection: they become the spark that ignites creativity and innovation.
4175 Rarity Way, Crestone, Colorado
Soul Force Leadership Training
2025 Dates (Online)
Soul Force Training
Level One
This course provides a new model of leadership for women and men grounded in the ‘connective edge’… a feminine quality that men and women can develop, and that many women seem to naturally possess.
In this workshop we will gain a greater understanding of “relational intelligence” and practice using enhanced body awareness and somatic mindfulness to engage ourselves and each other in empowering exercises of connected leadership.
Gain skills and confidence to Lead through Love and Connection with Hope and Unstoppability.
Our unique times require a more radical inclusion of all voices and all needs: women leaders have cultivated this skill. Women leaders know how to engage others in dialogue and conversations that lead to deeper and more collaborative solutions to complex problems.
We called this approach ‘Enlightened Feminine Leadership’ because it rests on the foundation of the interconnectedness of all life and the calling to express a deep care and commitment to serve life.
We need other humans from the cradle to the grave. Learn and teach a model of leadership that expresses the power of truth and interdependency. Join us for the Revolution of interconnection.
MatrixWorks Leadership rests on the foundation of the experiential Hakomi Method and is used in conjunction with an understanding of Groups as Living Systems.
The emergence of ‘Group Genius’ supports transformation. Relationships become collaborative. Mutuality and cooperation become new norms that support wellbeing.
*some financial assistance available
Event will be held online via Zoom
Soul Force Training
Level Two
Soul Force Leadership expresses the power and truth of interdependency.
In this workshop, grounded in an embodied sense of wholeness and being, we will explore cutting edge leadership models crafted for success in the 21st century.
We will explore leadership models that support collective intelligence, collaboration, connectivity, and consciousness
We will practice together in a balanced environment that includes theoretical information, practical application and direct experience.
We will construct a plan for implementing your chosen model in a context that has meaning for you.
Models to be explored:
- MatrixWorks: “I to We”
- Hakomi Sensitivity Cycle
- World Cafe
- U Theory
- Appreciative Inquiry
- Somatic Practices including The Satisfaction Cycle, Bodyreading, and Physicalizing Organizational/Family
- Constellations
*Participation in this class is limited to those who have completed Level 1 of EFL and have permission of instructors.
Soul Force Training
Level Three
Requires completion of Levels 1 & 2
Special coaching and guided implementation of Leadership Project in the world.
Hakomi & Group Genius
2025 Dates (Online)
LEVEL 2: Dates TBD
Past Offerings
These trainings are not currently scheduled (check back soon)
Helping men to explore authentic ways to honor their awakened masculine with open hearts and minds.
Location: Crestone, CO
Special Class.
Instructors permission needed to attend
This class aims to address leadership challenges in the spheres of education, healthcare, business and therapy. Seasoned practitioners who hold leadership positions in each of these four spheres come together in this class to learn and learn to teach radical collaboration. Mindfulness as a leadership skill is key to twenty-first century leadership and functions as an anchor in this training. In depth experience of the power of embodiment and the cultivation of somatic intelligence makes this course an extraordinary opportunity for cutting edge facilitation competency. If you want to help your organization thrive in a time of chaos, this is the class for you.
Ignite new possibilities for connection, innovation and radical collaboration in your groups, teams, and whole organizations.
The MatrixWorks model of Connection, Chaos and Consciousness provides the foundational ground for creating Group Genius. In this revolutionary process you will gain the skills and experience to unleash the Genius in your future teams or groups. This work has been successfully implemented to corporate, non-profit, and community groups.
This is an advanced facilitation training, which can be taken after basic MatrixWorks training, or for experienced practitioners it can be taken as an independent module. This training offers extended time practicing, co-facilitating, designing and working with collective intelligence and collective wisdom.
For couples, mother-daughter, father-son, siblings, and all family relationships, including family owned business relationships. Explore the Living Systems principles of MatrixWorks as they apply to your close relationships. Discover together new levels of creativity, collaboration and connection.
Chaos is a part of the natural cycle of any complex living system that occurs before a reorganization at a higher level of order and complexity. According to complexity theory: anything living alternates between order and chaos, being and becoming. This class is about exploring the ‘sweet spot’ of chaos and conflict as doorways to greater creativity and deeper connection.
The other way to learn MatrixWorks is in a residential retreat. The power of living in community and learning the model in a ‘working live’ way is very transformational. The experience is a true living laboratory that encourages us to let go off outdated patterns and self-defeating relational habits so that we can be ourselves and be in connection in an empowered way.
*Currently, Immersions happen yearly in Brazil, Crestone and Boulder, Colorado, Mexico City, Japan and Hawaii.
A $200 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of registration. Your spot is not reserved until we receive your deposit. The balance of the payment is due 30 days prior to the Retreat. If you need to cancel anytime between 30 days and 15 days prior to the Retreat, 50% of the payment, less the deposit, will be refunded. We are not able to provide refunds for cancellations less than 15 days prior to the Retreat. We reserve the right to cancel any Retreat and will not be responsible for travel or other costs incurred by you as a result of any cancellation. In the unlikely event that a Retreat is cancelled, we will promptly refund any money you have sent us. We reserve the right to change or amend this policy at anytime.
“Work is Love Made Visible”
— kahlil gibran
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