Meet Mukara


Mukara Meredith, MSW, Certified Hakomi Trainer

MatrixWorks Creator, Teacher and Trainer

Boulder, CO

Mukara Meredith, with humor, often refers to herself as a 108 year old Tibetan Elf. Mukara’s life’s-work has been devoted to bringing human-friendly values into businesses and organizations to ensure meaningful work, marketplace fairness and organizational success. This purpose led to the founding of MatrixWorks in 1999

As President of MatrixWorks, Mukara is committed to creating new cultures of creativity, nourishment and innovation in workplace relationships by using the power of small groups.

MatrixWorks has been at the forefront of introducing cutting-edge neuroscience and brain-functioning understanding to leaders, managers and their teams so that they and teams learn to access collective intelligence and practice the skills of collaboration and connectivity. MatrixWorks has also served in the fields of education, healthcare, and therapeutic modalities such as somatic experiencing, Hakomi, and cranial therapy. MatrixWorks is currently taught in the USA, Brazil, and Canada.

Client History

Mukara worked monthly for 5 years with Mattel Toys Girl’s Design teams, helping them function more as living systems. During this time, Mukara also helped teach in the well-known PLATYPUS program at Mattel. PLATYPUS was written up in Wall Street Journal and in Fast Company magazine. PLATYPUS helped re-vision the pattern of how work is done in more creative and collaborative ways.
Mukara has worked with Procter & Gamble’s Design department since 2004. She has served as core faculty of the Clay Street Project for innovation at P&G. Clay Street is modeled on the template of PLATYPUS, developed at Mattel. Mukara was also involved in P&G’s “DNA” project, designed to move the Clay St. innovation principles into selected business units of the company.

Other clients include: General Mills, The Hershey Company, Naropa University, GAP, Old Navy, PopTech , General Electric’s HealthyMaginations, Mayo Clinic and Escola Santi. Mukara has also worked with GE’s Innovation Studios, bringing MatrixWorks and Human Systems Technology (small groups) into this forum. Mukara was one of the world class faculty members in the 2009 POP! TECH class.

Currently, Mukara is working extensively in Brazil and China, with schools, small businesses and community organizations.



403 Juniper Avenue, Boulder, CO 80304

Tel: (303) 819-5289

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